Digital Wiz Marketing 

If you are a business owner or an entrepreneur in the making, you’re most definitely going to need to check out Digital Wiz Marketing !! 

This company is truly one of a kind and goes above and beyond for each and every one of its clients. Digital Wiz Marketing is a full service digital marketing agency. They specialize in creating websites, apps, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, ppc ads, as well as social media marketing. 

If you are wondering how to create an online presence for your business, then be sure to go check out their blog. They offer an array of material and multiple resources, that can help your business a great deal. 

Be on the look out for this company in 2017 and they are aspected to leave a lasting impression on the world of digital marketing as we know it. I hope this informational was helpful and would love to hear your feedback as to what you think of this company. 

Here is the link to their website!! 

Lucrative Home-Based Business Continued… 

So in the previous post I spoke briefly about starting/running a home based business. 

Of course starting a business is a time consuming daunting task, that takes a significant amount of time if done correctly. 

In the early stages of any business there are many questions that the business owner will have, especially if this is their first time starting a business. 

What business should I start? What kind of marketing will be most effective? How many employees do I need? How do I handle my taxes? 

These are amongst a few of the questions a business owner will have in the beginning stages of starting a business. Now I’m going to give my opinion of the best options for a new home based business to run. 

In my opinion there is no better option then joining United Credit Restoration Services. Joining a business like this gives you everything you need out of the gate and makes for a rather smooth process. 

Joining a business like UCRS is in my opinion the best choice for an entrepreneur looking to gain immediate residual income. 

When joining UCRS you have the opportunity to earn a substantial amount of residual income, rather quickly. Now of course no business is going to be easy, and is most definitely going to take time… But as far as exchanging time for money there’s no better way to go! 

UCRS offers one of the highest commissions out of any MLM company. You receive $100 per referral and are always paid in a timely manner. 

When starting/joining a business you always want to be sure to join a market where this is an actual need for your services. In this day and age there is no greater need for credit repair. With the economy going up, down, left, and right there is always a need for consumers to fix their credit so they’re able to get the most out of life. 

The great thing about starting a business where there is such a need for your services is that the clientele is abundant and seemingly unlimited. Not to mention that you’re helping people get there lives on track and to move in a positive direction. 

Joining UCRS gives you an opportunity to start a business where the need is great and the reward is even better. In my opinion there’s no better business to start then a business where you are helping the community. You’re helping the community to achieve the desired lifestyle. Also you are educating the community and teaching them to make responsible decisions. 

With a commission scale of $100 per sale you’re able to see drastic changes in your monthly income with minimal effort. This allows for you to truley take the time needed to learn to system and master your craft. 

I’ve seen a many of people take the leap into the entrepreneurial world and capitalize and change their lives drastically. It gives you the opportunity to  do the things you desire in live. No one wants to be couped up in a cubicle counting the seconds each day till they are off work. Joining UCRS gives you the opportunity for absolutely financial freedom as well as freedom to do what you please on a daily basis. 

Joining a company like UCRS is a sure way to start a profitable business if you simply follow the instruction given to you. The company will give you an array of marketing materials and supply you with numerous tactics to sign up as many customers as possible. 

Like I said earlier you won’t find higher commissions from any other company out there. I always recommend when first getting into the business to set reasonable goals so that you can easily track your process. What makes UCRS unique from other companies is that they are picky who they allow to promote their product and they truley believe in putting the needs of the customer first. I recommend you hop on with UCRS while you have the chance, it’s something you won’t regret. To get started with UCRS simply email 

Good Luck on your journey of financial freedom and independence!! 

Lucrative Home Based Business!! 

Does working from home appeal to you? 

Having the opportunity and freedom to make money wherever and whenever you want? 

Many people parade around life hating their jobs and hating their careers. In my opinion freedom is the greatest gift on earth!! 

Why live your life in a cubicle or clocking in a 9-5 everyday making half of the money you could make running a proper home-based business and having the freedom to do as you please. 

Now the problem for many people is taking the leap from the safety and security of a 9-5 to become a business owner. 

I’ll be honest with you of course it’s going to be scary at first. Many people fear the unknown and that’s what prevents them from living their dreams. 

The reality of the situation is, you are going to have to take this leap and do as Nike says and “Just Do It”. 

Now I’m not saying just jump into something and take a risk without a plan. 

As an entrepreneur I calculate every risk I take and make sure the risk reaps the proper reward. 

Before jumping into running your own home based business of course you should have your ducks in a row. 

First… And above all you should have the proper amount of money saved to survive for a minimum of 3 months (especially if this is your first time doing anything like this). 

Second.. You should do the proper research on whichever MLM company you are jumping into bed with. 

Third… Plan what market you are targeting and have an idea of what customers you’re going to sign up ahead of time. 

Fourth .. Work your ass off and create the lifestyle that you want to live. At the end of the day! The balls in your court and its up to you to make it in this industry. 

Now this may sound crazy… But the one thing that I can promise you .. Is FINANCIAL FREEDOM!! 

(This post is short..sweet.. and to the point! I will have more post following that go into more detail)!! 

I hope this helped someone.. My goal is for one person to take the leap and take control of their life. As long as just one person gives it a shot.. Then my job is done and I have fulfilled my life obligation of introducing regular working Joes to a world of independence and freedom! 

Finding Your Path… 

Finding your path is not an act of searching.

It is an act of allowing.

When you let go of what you think should be, you allow what is meant to be.

While this may sound trite, it is simply the act of following your heart moment by moment.

Your purpose is already built into your being.

When you follow your heart, your inner GPS, you are nudged in the right direction.

Because what finding your path comes down to is living life to the fullest.

It comes down to following what feels alive to you, and doing your best, in this moment.

Questions To Ask Before Joining A Network Marketing Company!

Asking the right questions can help you decide whether you want to become part of a network marketing company. Ask the following questions (before you invest your money) to get some information you need. If you like the answers, you may find a network marketing opportunity that’s right for you.
Would the integrity of the company’s leadership inspire you to follow them?
Is the company mission-driven or get-rich-quick motivated?
Does the company’s corporate philosophy fit your personal philosophy?
Does the company’s product sell at retail?
Does the company have a proven and effective training program?
Does the company’s product line include a reasonable number of consumables?
Does the company depend on glitz, glitter, and hype to sell its opportunity, or will the company and opportunity survive a factual examination of the claims made at company-sponsored opportunity meetings?
Would the company’s income and product claims pass muster with regulatory bodies, or do they sound too good to be true?
Would the opportunity give you a real chance to make a positive difference in the lives of those you sponsor into the business?
Does the company want to load you up with products that you must sell before you can recoup your investment?
Does the company tell you in understandable terms what volume of activity you must maintain in order to receive the residual income from the organization you have built?
Does the local Better Business Bureau have a file of unresolved claims against the company?
Do you expect the company or your upline to bring people into your business or do your work for you?
Are you totally convinced of the righteousness of your cause and of its value to those you will work with?
Do you understand why it’s important to become a product of the product?
If you succeed with this company, would you have more of the things money will buy and all the things money won’t buy?

5 Ways To Turn Every Customer Interaction Into An Opportunity!

You started a company. You built a product. You shipped it to customers. Now the fun really begins! You’ll need to deal with complaints. Shipping issues. Lost messages. And maybe a bug or too. So, this next suggestion might seem like just another hassle for your small business, but: If you put customers first in everything you do, you’ll see that complaints are just another chance to wow them.

Here are six things we’ve learned at that you can do to rally your business around your customers so you can turn every interaction into an opportunity.

1. Wow and celebrate your customers.

To build strong relationships with customers you need to impress them at every step with fast, empathetic service and quick case resolution — even for the most complicated issues. There are dozens of ways to show extra support. If your customers are consumers, send them an email on their birthday. Celebrate milestones for your business customers (like successful VC fundraising) with a custom cake and handwritten notes. Provide extra visibility by giving away their products at tradeshows or as employee gifts.

Also: Mentor customers who need help in any business area, whether that be marketing, sales, event management or anything else. Don’t justbe in the business of selling your products. Be in the business of helping customers succeed.

2. Practice total company support.

To build a customer-centric company, have everyone in your company interact with customers on a regular basis. Start by training every employee at your small business to participate in customer service. Ideally, everyone from the CEO to the receptionist should be able to pitch in and help with customer support during busy times.

Customer service training should also be part of your onboarding process and an ongoing part of every job. (Which makes sense: After all, customer service is the best way to learn about your customers and products.) Even if learning about customer service isn’t currently part of your onboarding process, it’s not too late. Order some pizzas on a Friday afternoon and get everyone trained so they can jump in to help customers at a moment’s notice.


3. Give everyone 360-degree customer views.

Today’s customers expect everyone in your company to know who they are, what they’ve ordered and whether they’ve had problems in the past. Not to mention what they said on Twitter last week.

When you connect all of your support channels and the apps you use to run your business, everyone can be “in the know” about customers. Support agents can see order histories, open opportunities and even shipping status. Sales reps know when a customer needs help. Today’s cloud-computing solutions make it easy to integrate systems and share information, so everyone can be more productive and do a better job of building relationships.

4. Use technology to be more personal.

Many people worry that as technology becomes more sophisticated, the personalized touch will go by the wayside. Not true! If you use a customer-support solution that captures interactions from every channel in one place, you’ll know your customers wherever you meet them. And, if you get a solution that lets you automate repetitive tasks, you can free your agents to craft personalized messages that build loyalty and reinforce your brand.

Encourage agents to sign their own names, to put a “face” on the communication. In today’s business, a personal touch is not just for top customers, it’s for everyone.

5. Capture feedback and act on it.

Many startups spend a lot of time and money building products that customers ultimately don’t want. Remember Pepsi A.M.? Heinz E-Z Squirt purple ketchup? Customer service feedback can help you avoid costly mistakes. Unlike product management or marketing teams — which talk to customers only from time to time — your agents talk to real customers every single day. They can tell you how customers are interacting with your product and if they’re having problems.

These insights should drive your important product decisions. And, if you track your support cases carefully, you can see what modifications and features customers would like to see in your product or what their biggest pain points are.

6. Make support part of your experience.

Start simply by creating a support center that reflects your personality and brand. You can make it even easier for customers when you make it possible for them to stay within your product when they need help. Add support-center links to relevant pages on your site. Or add a way for customers to log tickets within your product experience.

Companies like Amazon are even adding “SOS buttons” to their products. So, do something similar: If there’s some way that you can see when customers are having trouble, reach out before they even have a chance to pick up the phone.

Ready to put customer service at the center of everything you do? Start now and start turning every support interaction into an opportunity for customer happiness.

A 3 Step Formula To Success — Literally!!

What does it really take to be successful? I think I have an answer. That’s a bold claim, I know. But I can back it up. Hear me out.

I’ve been teaching people how to bring product ideas to market via licensing with my partner Andrew Krauss for more than 14 years now. Andrew and I have solidified everything we know about product licensing into 10 simple steps. Our strategies work because they reduce risk and increase our students’ likelihood of success.

But the more I think about it, the more I believe our method of doing things can and should be applied more broadly. After all, I’ve used the same steps to achieve many different kinds of goals, such as getting PR for my business. You can too.

So what do I think success truly depends on? At its core, I think it’s the ability to acutely break down a problem and come up with an efficient solution. That’s it. There’s a better way of doing things. This is it.


1. Understand how the game is being played.

To master anything, you first need to study it. What are the rules? Who are the players? What’s happened before? Who is successful? Why do people fail? What’s considered innovative?

You are on a fact-finding mission. Leave no stone unturned. At this stage, I’m just trying to gather information. Because I know the best insight comes from people who have done what I’m trying to do, I try to seek out like-minded people for advice. I ask them to help me understand the topic at hand.

A lot of people skip this step. They plunge into new projects with only a cursory understanding of the subject. You might think you’re familiar with something, but unless and until you’ve ruthlessly studied it inside and out, you aren’t. There’s simply no excuse not to study up! The Internet has made it so easy to do. You may discover that the market isn’t large enough. Maybe it’s headed in a different direction, or has hit its peak. It might be too hard to break into. Either way, you need to know.

It’s OK to be naïve when you’re starting out. In fact, sometimes having a fresh perspective can be helpful. But if you don’t take the time to understand what the challenges ahead are going to be at the very beginning, you will experience pain later on. I know because it’s happened to me.

2. Find the opportunity.

When I take on a new endeavor, I try to identify holes. Are there problems in need of solving? What is lacking? Where is there room for improvement? What’s missing?

I then assess whether I’m capable of filling those holes. Given what you’ve learned, how do your weaknesses and strengths match up? Is there an opportunity for you to not only step in but also excel?

At this point, you may decide you need more information to come to a good conclusion. You might need to take a class or work harder to find a mentor. I am always on the lookout for opportunity. If you want to be successful, you should be too. It’s not enough to want to be successful and commit to working hard. You need to work smart.

3. Put your game plan together.

You have all of the critical information you need to succeed. How are you going to get there? What you need now is a plan of action. Map out how you’re going to get from point A to point B. Who are you going to turn to for help? Your road map will inevitably change, but you need a fully fleshed-out framework to turn to when things get chaotic.

The quickest path to succeed at anything is by hacking the system — as Tim Ferriss would say — first by studying what it is you want to achieve, then by identifying opportunities and finally by crafting a pitch and a plan based on what you learned and your best assets. You never have to reinvent the wheel. Finding your uniqueness­. That’s what adds value.

10 Business To Start That Can Weather Any Economy!!

I don’t like to be an alarmist, but I continue to believe that we live in very unsettled economic times. There are some major unknowns that could push the economy south quickly and in a major way, such as:

  • The price of Apple stock. If it tanks, it might be like a second Internet bubble bursting. (Although, in full disclosure, I did invest recently.)
  • Who knows what’s really going on in China? The government has been making major moves to prop up many elements of its economy.
  • The Euro. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of European leaders in panic mode.
  • The end of quantitative easing. When the Fed steps off the gas pedal, what’s going to happen? This is totally uncharted territory.

I could probably drum up a few more goblins that would scare us, but that’s enough for now. Entrepreneurs and startup addicts won’t let these little threats stop them, but I think they will be looking more closely at the kinds of businesses that tend to be more recession-proof.

If that’s you, here’s a list of industries and businesses that you’ll want to consider.


Most businesses built around beer, wine and spirits do fine during a recession. Pricier beverages don’t fare as well, but middle-of-the-road and lower-costs liquors weather the down turns like a champ. There’s an important principle here: If something is truly a habit – like wine with dinner or an evening cocktail – people do not quit no matter what the economic circumstances are. They merely adapt. Consider a liquor store or wholesale distributorship.


While there are barriers to the booze biz, cosmetics are a much easier industry to get into. I suppose when people are crying in their milk all day, they need some good cosmetics to put on their happy faces at night. But whatever the motivation is, cosmetics weather recessions quite well. There are many ways to pursue a business here, from becoming a Mary Kay representative to selling over the Internet.

Movie theaters.

Movie attendance weathers economic downturns very nicely, although the entire industry has been in a slump recently. The big chains have a stranglehold on new releases. So why not consider a local indie theater that cashes in on the trend toward combining movies with meals? Could be a big hit in your hometown!

Health care.

Again, many segments of this industry have virtually insurmountable barriers to entry. But with a huge aging Baby Boomer population, there will be opportunities in home health care services. I also think a peer-to-peer, Uber-like nursing service might be possible.

Specialty food stores.

Smaller, boutique stores specializing in organic products should do well. This could be a scaled-down version of Whole Foods or you could create a line of products that you sell yourself or offer through other outlets, and this ties into the next idea.

Sweet things.

In the same way that we won’t give up alcohol during a recession, we refuse to put down our sweet treats. You might recall that the cupcake craze pretty much paralleled the last recession. That industry over-extended itself, but there are many independent cupcake bakers who are still doing fine. Give your dessert an organic, gluten-free or vegan twist and maybe you can cover two bases at once – specialty food and sweet thing!

Repair shops.

Rather than buy new, we repair our cars and major appliances during a recession. Check your local market to see how well it’s covered. If there’s a glut of HVAC repair shops, for example, consider moving to a fast-growing community to start your business.

Thrift stores.

In the same way that we keep our old appliances and cars limping through a recession, we tend to hit the thrift shops looking for bargains. Spend some time binge-viewing old episodes of “Storage Wars” to see one way you can pull together an inventory for your second-hand store.

Death services.

Even in the worst recession two things are certain: Death and taxes. Again, with the aging Baby Boomer population, this is a growth industry no matter what’s happening with the economy.

Tax services.

Yep. You can ditto some of what I said just above. For some reason, accountants and tax professionals skate through the hard times better than most of the rest of us. I suppose people are more concerned about keeping every penny they’ve earned and at the same time the IRS is focused on collecting every penny possible – that creates the perfect conditions for boosting the demand for tax professionals.

And hey, even if we manage to dodge all the gloomy economic omens I referenced at the top, these are still solid startup ideas.

The Truth About Work-Life Balance

Over the years, I’ve asked everyone from solo freelancers to big-time CEOs how they balance work and the rest of their lives. The conclusion I’ve drawn from the collective answers is this: The very concept of work-life balance is misleading. Not only that, but there’s a fundamental problem with the way the antidotes to overworking and burnout are presented in tidy, bullet-point form.

  • Delegate.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Follow a schedule.
  • Be present.

Nothing wrong with practical advice, but productivity hacks overlook the heart of the problem, which is that for too many ambitious people, success is inversely related to failure in other, “personal” aspects of life.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way. My favorite reply so far to the question of how one achieves work-life balance comes from Brittney Castro, the Millennial founder of a Los Angeles-based financial planning firm called Financially Wise Women. In the year I’ve known her, I’ve seen how growth in her business has actually increased her ability to travel and given her time to do more things she loves. Her current goal is to get to the point where she can take month-long sabbaticals several times a year.

“Balance is a weird, abstract concept,” she told me. “The way I interpret it is, sometimes I’m focused on one or two areas in my life more than others, whether that’s for a day, a few months, even a year. But things change; seasons change. So instead of it being a pie chart where I have to give a little bit of my time and energy to everything, every day, I’m learning to better communicate my current focus to people around me. I find that once I stop thinking about the balance, it just happens.”


I think she’s on to something; namely, that balance is far more palatable and sustainable when it isn’t portrayed as a conflict of interest.

British poet David Whyte finds a place in big corporations like Visa, Chanel and Microsoft to lecture on leadership and organizational development. The way he sees it, we all have three lifelong commitments, or “marriages,” as he calls them: to work, to a significant other and to ourselves.

“To neglect any one of the three marriages is to impoverish them all, because they are not actually separate commitments but different expressions of the way each individual belongs to the world,” he wrote in The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship. Instead, we should think of it all as one constantly moving “conversation,” an ever-changing back-and-forth that will ultimately, we hope, lead to “a marriage of marriages, a life worth living, and one we can call, despite all the difficulties and imperfections, our very own.”

In pop-entrepreneurial culture, it’s easy to accept, even to admire, extreme relationships with work. Add to the mix a pesky human habit of feeling guilt for shirking to-dos on a never-ending list of self-inflicted responsibilities—and voilà! We’ve achieved the perfect recipe for irresolvable work-life angst.

If entrepreneurship is celebrated as a means of giving people the opportunity to define the kind of life they want to have, how tragic that it comes at the expense of other things worth having.

Perhaps a better way forward is to set aside the struggle for work-life balance and redefine business success with more than monetary measures. Maybe your starting goal is to be profitable and have the freedom to pause meetings and prioritize lunch with a family member. Or your business plan charts a path for a multimillion-dollar company that bakes in time for employees to surf whenever the waves are good. (Suggestions based on true stories, by the way.)

In the first century, Roman philosopher Seneca the Younger doled out this timeless warning: “It is inevitable that life will be not just very short but very miserable for those who acquire by great toil what they must keep by greater toil.”

And nobody wants to be that guy.